My Story
I'm Louise!
Originally from Norfolk, I have lived in Cornwall since studying Illustration in Falmouth where I fell in love and fell in love with the place and couldn't move away.
I Illustrated children's books and publications after graduating and after sharing my books with local schools became an Early Years Teacher. For several years I both illustrated and taught until I had my eldest son which is when something had to give- I couldn't imagine working to deadlines, teaching and giving my child the time that he deserved.
I worked full time as a teacher for 18 years inspiring and enthusing small people at an amazing local school and then returning to my two equally brilliant very sporty boys. Just before Covid I scratched a creative itch that had been haunting me for a while and I rediscovered linoprinting. It became a form of therapy from my crazy hectic world of teaching and taxi driving the boys to and from their various sports.
Following the impact of teaching through lockdowns and the toll it took on my family, I was given the amazing opportunity to drop a couple of days at school in order to reignite my illustration career and gain more balance in my life. This gave me time to invest in creating new designs, products and selling them whether online or face to face at local shops or markets. This period was incredibly helpful, and in July 2023 I parted from my 20 year teaching vocation and finally have come full circle as a full time designer/ print maker/ trader- exciting times!