Lino-Print Commissions


Creating special lino print commissions for both business and private use is always a real pleasure. If you have an idea for a design, or you want a print in a particular colour I'd be very happy to discuss a potential project with you. 

I offer options for both exclusive rights or shared rights which can make commissioning a print more affordable. 

Here are a few examples of recent commissions:


Two large images designed and printed for exclusive use for St Michael's Mount, this commission also included a limited addition print run for resale.

This little puffin print was designed and printed for a private customer who wanted a special present for their niece. This commission has shared rights. 

This large print of Porthleven was for private customers who were very happy to share the rights to this image. They wanted specific special places included in the design and one of Porthleven's famous harbour canons. Colour matching this beautiful green was part of the specifications of the brief. 

Detail of lino carving and tools of Porthleven harbour